Course price £195

Zoom dates available on 5th May at 3pm (UK time/8am MST - USA) or 11th May at 4pm (UK time/9am MST-USA)

Register in your full certificate name please

Ear Seed Application + Basic Auricular Reflexology

6 Condition + 6 Protocols

Dr. Kark who is recommended and listed as one of the leading acupuncturists and energetic healers in the USA by Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop - Lifestyle and Wellness brand. He brings to this fascinating Auricular Therapy and Ear Seed subject his many years of experience as a doctor of Oriental medicine and massage therapist, plus years spent teaching Traditional Chinese Medical theory, Western medical sciences, massage, and clinical supervision of acupuncture and massage students. Dr. Kark’s practice is integrative of acupuncture, massage, nutritional supplementation, psycho-spiritual integration, and meditation. He will share all of this with you in his presentation of the theory and practice of Auricular Reflexology.

Auricular Reflexology is rapidly becoming more popular as increasing numbers of people wish to take control of their own health in a more holistic and empowering way. Reflexology offers a bridge between simple hands-on work and much deeper levels of physical health and mental wellbeing. Auricular Reflexology integrates Western physiological models and traditional Chinese models into a treatment that is quick, effective, and potentially an important enhancement and enrichment of tour practice.

This course will begin with a basic overview of Auricular Therapies and their history in Europe and China, including recent research and the rising popularity of the modality. We will discuss the advantages and contraindications of the techniques, plus look at the supplies needed at this level of practice and beyond.

Image is copyright and for participating students only. Example of the protocol clients flyers

As we move towards the practical skills of prescription and application combining massage, reflexology points and Ear Seeds, we will discuss point energetics with reference to symptomatic, physiological, and elemental indications. We’ll look at the anatomy of the ear and precise point location.

We’ll then consider the specific prescriptions studied in the introductory course. These include treatments to address Anxiety, Insomnia, Cravings and Addictions, including smoking cessation and weight management, Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Pain, and Digestive Disturbances. These six prescriptions will be clearly demonstrated and discussed in detail, along with other therapeutic considerations associated with these conditions.

Lastly, we will include information for patient education and instruction. You will be given a specific handouts to print for each client for each protocol and so they can continue to receive the benefits at home after treatment.

Ear Seeds + Basic Auricular Reflexology is a pre-requisite for the Advanced Auricular Reflexology course, which will be scheduled In-Person in London in the summer 2024. The Advanced course will also available on Zoom.

You will get study points equivalent to 7 hrs for attending the Basic course and note it is not yet accredited with any association as it’s a new course.

For most insurers this will be accepted, however you are expected to check this yourself before paying for the training.

Separately most associations will accept the certification course as study time but a couple may not so this is important to you check before enrolling.