How Facial Reflexology can help with Hot Flushes


Facial Reflexology is a complementary therapy that uses pressure point techniques to stimulate a sequence of points to help stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms and bring everything into balance. As reflexologists we believe the entire body is mapped out on the face, so you can read what’s going on inside just by looking at someone.

Reflexology on the face is an easy area to reach. The following techniques are especially beneficial for those women experiencing symptoms of menopause and are safe and effective for everyone to have a go.


This self-care sequence is ideal to try in front of the mirror.

It is ideal to adapt your morning or evening routine when you wash your face to include this gentle pressure point sequence which takes about a minute.

Menopause Self-Care Sequence - refer to the picture when trying at home

  • RED - Heart - Use your index finger to lightly press with a tiny circular movement for 3 seconds and repeat 3 times to soothe emotions

  • PURPLE - Hypothalamus - Use the same index finger to lightly create a clockwise circle over the purple reflex on the forehead to help aid sleep and to reduce hot flushes *(HFs occur as a result of disturbance of the temperature-regulating mechanism located in the hypothalamus). Sturdee DW. The menopausal hot flush—Anything new? Maturitas. 2008;60:42–49. [PubMed]

  • GREY - Adrenal Reflexes - Use your thumbs to press in and upwards on these points for 3 seconds 3 times and release.

  • BLUE - Occipital Reflexes - Using your thumbs press upwards with medium press to ward off headaches, and ease tension, which also relaxes any tension held in this area.

I recommend trying this out every morning for 2 weeks and it can also be used when you are experiencing a hot flush. If Hot Flushes are severe and frequent you can keep a teaspoon in the fridge and using the Smoot back of it gently create little circles on the purple Hypothalamus Reflexology point which can help regulate temperature in the body.

Ziggie Bergman

Ziggie Bergman is a leading expert in Face Reflexology and has practiced for over 25 years. She is the winner of the Association of Reflexologists Award for Innovation and teaches professional reflexologists worldwide.

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